Intimate Partner Homicide
refers to the killing of one intimate partner by the other partner or ex-partner. Most victims are women and most perpetrators are men.
Parricide is defined as the killing of one's mother, father, step-parents or grandparent.
Other Adult Family Homicide
includes the killing of one sibling by another and other family relationships (e.g. in-laws, aunts, uncles)
refers to where the perpetrator kills an intimate partner or other family members (aged over 16) and then kills themselves
is the killing of one or several members of one's own family
Black and Minoritised Perpetrators and/or Victims
BAME victims or perpetrators may have different experiences e.g. insecure immigration status, language, and racism
LGBTQ+ victims or perpetrators
LGBTQ+ victims or perpetrators may have different experiences e.g. Homo/transphobia, difficulties of being seen as a victim or institutional responses
Female perpetrators
The vast majority or perpetrators of domestic homicide are men, female perpetrators form a small minority of perpetrators.
Substance Misuse (either victim and/or perpetrator)
Perpetrators and victims with intersecting needs such as substance misuse.
Mental Health (either victim and/or perpetrator)
Perpetrators and victims with intersecting needs such as mental and/or substance misuse.